Bringing Hollywood community through Livestream.

Stay connected, stay inspired, and make every moment count with TrendLive, where the power of AI and community come together to elevate your experience.

1M+ downloads


TrendLive offers a diverse range of content and services to keep you entertained, informed, and inspired. Our platform features:


Discover tips, trends, and ideas on wellness, travel, fitness, and more to elevate your daily routine.


Stay ahead of the curve with the latest styles, looks, and fashion inspiration from influencers and trendsetters.


Dive into captivating videos featuring music, sports, parties, and exclusive events, all curated to keep you in the know.

Cooking & Arts

Unleash your creativity with content that showcases culinary arts, DIY projects, and visual masterpieces.


Enjoy your new Life

  • TrendLive is your gateway to the latest in lifestyle, fashion, entertainment, and beyond. Whether you're looking to discover inspiring content, follow top influencers, or unlock exclusive deals from leading brands, TrendLive has it all. Our platform features high-quality videos spanning everything from travel and fitness to cooking, arts, and music, all enhanced by AI to deliver personalized experiences.

  • Join our vibrant community, explore new trends, and experience unforgettable moments together. At TrendLive, we not only bring you the best content but also provide unique opportunities at live events with our Trend-QR codes—unlocking gifts, promotions, and discounts from your favorite brands.

Our Story

TrendLive emerged from a vision to unite lifestyle, fashion, and entertainment while fostering a strong sense of community on a dynamic platform and changing the landscape of entertainment in Hollywood. Rooted in the vibrant culture of Los Angeles, a global hub of creativity and innovation, TrendLive aims to empower influencers and creators by providing the resources they need to thrive. The focus is on creating engaging content and facilitating connections within the community. From local studios to global events, we are committed to leading the way in content creation and building a new Hollywood where AI and community intersect.

Empowering Influencers

Giving Back with TrendLive

  • At TrendLive, we’re not just a platform for watching amazing videos—we’re a community-driven hub that empowers influencers and creators to connect, grow, and make a positive impact. We provide influencers with the resources they need to succeed, offering access to state-of-the-art studios to create high-quality content and collaborate with their audience in meaningful ways.

  • Beyond content creation, we believe in giving back. Through special fundraising initiatives featured on our videos, TrendLive helps influencers raise awareness and funds for causes that matter most to them and their communities.

  • Join us as we connect influencers, brands, and viewers to create lasting, positive change!



Our content is generated for TrendLive staff around of the world. Several of our videos were made with Pixel 9 Pro XL and iPhone 15 Pro Max.


More than 1M+ users worldwide using TrendLive


Satisfied Users


Enjoy your time with TrendLive Events

Step into the world of TrendLive Events, where content comes to life! From exclusive parties and fashion shows to sports events and pop-up experiences, our events are designed to connect influencers, creators, and fans in unforgettable ways.

What to Expect at TrendLive Events?

  • Interactive Experiences: Scan Trend-QR codes for instant access to giveaways, discounts, and exclusive promotions from leading brands. Charity & Fundraising: Support important causes through fundraisers hosted at our events, where your participation helps make a difference.

  • Live Content Creation: Watch your favorite influencers create content in real-time, and even get a behind-the-scenes look at how the magic happens.

  • Community Engagement: Meet like-minded individuals and creators, network with industry professionals, and be part of an inspiring community.

Join us at our next event and experience the thrill of TrendLive up close!


Questions? Look Here.

Some questions about TrendLive are asked frequently. We've answered the most frequent of those frequent questions below

  • Get started with TrendLive

    You do not need a register account to start, just download the app from Stores, and start exploring the exciting content and features.
    *A register account access to special events and save your favorite videos.

  • How can I be a part of the TrendLive team?

    To join the TrendLive team email with your name, link your Resume or Portfolio including your Social Handles to be considered.

  • What is a Certified TrendLive Account?

    Certified Account of TrendLive are our embassadors.

  • TrendLive Videos & Content

    Our content is generated and reviewed by TrendLive staff around the world, along with powerful AI tools.

  • TrendLive AI-Glasses

    TrendLive AI-Eyeglass feature was removed from status schedule.

Can’t find the answer to your question?

Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.